
Ochrimnus Stål, 1874


Lygaeus collaris Fabricius, 1803 type species of Ochrimnus Stål, 1874

Nomenclature (7)

  • Melanocoryphus (Ochrimnus) Stål, 1874: 114.

    type species Lygaeus collaris Fabricius, 1803

  • Ochrimnus Stal, 1874 in Slater, 1964: 152.
  • ... Show all ... (3)
  • Ochrimnus Stal, 1874 in Rengifo-Correa & González Obando, 2011: 334.
  • Ochrimnus Stal, 1874 in Henry, Dellapé & de Paula, 2015: 479, 480.

Nomenclature references (7)

  • Ashlock, P.D. & Slater, A. (1988) Family Lygaeidae Schilling, 1829 (= Infericornes Amyot and Serville, 1843< Myodochidae Kirkaldy, 1899< Geocoridae Kirkaldy, 1902). In Catalog of the Heteroptera, or True Bugs, of Canada and the Continental United States. E. J. Brill Publ., Leiden and New York. pp. 167–245.
  • Baranowski, R.M. & Slater, J.A. (2005) In The Lygaeidae of the West Indies. University of Florida, IFAS. i-x, 266 pp.
  • ... Show all ... (3)
  • Henry, T.J., Dellapé, P.M. & de Paula, A.S. (2015) Chapter 16. The Big-Eyed Bugs, Chinch Bugs, and Seed Bugs (Lygaeoidea). In True Bugs (Heteroptera) of the Neotropics. Antônio Panizzi y Jocelia Grazia editores. Springer publishing Co., Inglaterra. 459–514 pp.
  • Rengifo-Correa, L. & González Obando, R. (2011) Lygaeoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) de Parques Nacionales Naturales (pnn) con nuevos registros para Colombia [in Spanish]. 37(1), 331–340.
  • Slater, J.A. & O'Donnell, J.E. (1995) In A Catalogue of the Lygaeidae of the world. New York Entomological Society, New York. 410 pp.
  • Slater, J.A. (1964) A Catalogue of the Lygaeidae of the World. 2 Vols. U. Connecticut. Storrs. 1688 pp. A Catalogue of the Lygaeidae of the World.
  • Stål, C. (1874) Enumeratio Hemipterorum pt. 4. Enumeratio Hemipterorum pt., 12(1), 1–186. Available at

Descendants and synonyms


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