
Lygaeinae Schilling, 1829


Lygaeus Fabricius, 1794 type genus of Lygaeinae Schilling, 1829

Nomenclature (262)

  • Lygaeinae Schilling, 1829: 35, 37.

    type genus Lygaeus Fabricius, 1794

  • Lygéites Schilling, 1829 in Laporte, 1833: 32.
  • ... Show all ... (258)
  • Lygaeinae Schilling, 1829 in Dellapé, 2014: 425-426, 437.
  • Lygaeinae Schilling, 1829 in Henry, Dellapé & de Paula, 2015: 460, 478-480, 504.

Nomenclature references (197)

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