
Melanerythrus Stål, 1868


Lygaeus mactans Stål, 1867 type species by original monotypy of Melanerythrus Stål, 1868

Nomenclature (12)

  • Lygaeus (Melanerythrus) Stål, 1868: 75-76.

    type species by original monotypy Lygaeus mactans Stål, 1867

  • Lygaeus (Melanerytheus) in Walker, 1872: 37-38.
  • ... Show all ... (8)
  • Lygaeus (unavailable or invalid, linked to Lygaeus (Melanerythrus) Stål, 1868)
  • Lygaeus (Melanerytheus) (unavailable or invalid, linked to Lygaeus (Melanerythrus) Stål, 1868)

Nomenclature references (9)

  • Cassis, G. & Gross, G.F. (2002) Hemiptera: Heteroptera (Pentatomomorpha). Vol. 27.3B, pp. xiv 737.
  • China, W.E. (1930) Insects of Samoa & other Samoan terrestrial Arthropoda Pt. II. Insects of Samoa & other Samoan terrestrial Arthropoda Pt. II. Hemiptera. Fasc., 2(3), 81–162.
  • ... Show all ... (5)
  • Gross, G.F. (1965) On the identity of Lygaeus mutilatus Erichson (Hemiptera; Lygaeidae). J. Entomol. Soc. Qld., 4, 24–26.
  • Lethierry, L.F. & Severin, G. (1894) General catalogue of the Hemiptera. Vol. II. Heteropteres. General catalogue of the Hemiptera. Vol. II. Heteropteres. Brussels: F. Hayez, Imprimeur de l'Academie Royale de Belgique., II.
  • Slater, J.A. & O'Donnell, J.E. (1995) In A Catalogue of the Lygaeidae of the world. New York Entomological Society, New York. 410 pp.
  • Slater, J.A. (1964) A Catalogue of the Lygaeidae of the World. 2 Vols. U. Connecticut. Storrs. 1688 pp. A Catalogue of the Lygaeidae of the World.
  • Stål, C. (1868) Hemiptera Fabricana I. Hemiptera Fabricana I. K. svenska VetenskAkad. Handl.
  • Stål, C. (1874) Enumeratio Hemipterorum pt. 4. Enumeratio Hemipterorum pt., 12(1), 1–186. Available at
  • Walker, F. (1872) Catalogue of the specimens of Hemiptera Heteroptera in the collection of the British Museum. Catalogue of the specimens of Hemiptera Heteroptera in the collection of the British Museum. London: Part V., 151–152.

Descendants and synonyms


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