
Colobathristidae Stål, 1865


Colobathristes Burmeister, 1835 type genus of Colobathristidae Stål, 1865

Nomenclature (18)

  • Colobathristidae Stål, 1865: 121.

    type genus Colobathristes Burmeister, 1835

  • Colobathristidae Stål, 1865 in Distant, 1904: 32. Image or description
  • ... Show all ... (14)
  • Colobathristidae Stål, 1865 in Stys & Henry, 2015: 27-35.
  • Colobathristidae Stål, 1865 in Henry, Dellapé & de Paula, 2015: 471-473.

Nomenclature references (18)

  • Carvalho, J.C.M. & Costa, L.A.A. (1989) Chave para identificacao dos generos neotrópicos da familia Colobathristidae (Hemiptera). Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 49(1), 271–277.
  • Cassis, G. & Gross, G.F. (2002) Hemiptera: Heteroptera (Pentatomomorpha). Vol. 27.3B, pp. xiv 737.
  • ... Show all ... (14)
  • Dellapé, P.M. (2014) Lygaeoidea. In Biodiversidad de Artrópodos Argentinos vol. 3. INSUE -UNT ediciones, Tucumán, Argentino. 421–438 pp.
  • Distant, W.L. (1904) Fauna of British India, including Ceylon & Burma Rhynchota. Vol. II. (Heteroptera). Fauna of British India, including Ceylon & Burma Rhynchota. Vol. II. (Heteroptera). London: Taylor & Francis pp., 1–503.
  • Distant, W.L. (1910) The fauna of British India, including Ceylon & Burma. The fauna of British India, including Ceylon & Burma. Rhynchota Vol. V. Heteroptera: Appendix, 362 pp. Available at
  • Froeschner, R.C. (1981) Heteroptera or True Bugs of Ecuador: A Partial Catalog. 322, 1–147. Available at
  • Henry, T.J. (1997) Phylogenetic Analysis of Family Groups within the Infraorder Pentatomomorpha (Hemiptera: Heteroptera), with Emphasis on the Lygaeoidea. 90(3), 275–301. Available at
  • Henry, T.J. (2009) Chapter 10. Biodiversity of the Heteroptera. pp. 223–263.
  • Henry, T.J., Dellapé, P.M. & de Paula, A.S. (2015) Chapter 16. The Big-Eyed Bugs, Chinch Bugs, and Seed Bugs (Lygaeoidea). In True Bugs (Heteroptera) of the Neotropics. Antônio Panizzi y Jocelia Grazia editores. Springer publishing Co., Inglaterra. 459–514 pp.
  • Horváth, G. (1904) Monographia Colobathristinarum. Ann. hist.-nat. Mus. hung., 2, 117–172. Available at
  • Hsiao, T.Y. (1977) In Handbook for the Determination of the Chinese Hemiptera-Heteroptera, vol. 1. Science Press, Beijing. 330 pp.
  • Kerzhner, I.M. (2001) Family Colobathristidae Stål, 1865. Vol. 4, pp. 243–244.
  • Kormilev, N. (1949) La familia "Colobathristidae" Stal en la Argentina con la description de tres especies nuevas neotropicales (Hemiptera). 7, 359–383.
  • Kormilev, N. (1949) Notas sobre los Colobathristidae de Bolivia con la descripción de un genero y una especie (Hemiptera). 14(124), 167–176.
  • Kormilev, N. (1951) Notas sobre "Colobathristidae" neotropicales (Hemiptera), con la descripcion de tres generos y siete especies nuevas. Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 11, 63–84.
  • Stys, P. & Henry, T.J. (2015) A new genus and species of Colobathristidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from Peru, a replacement name for the preoccupied genus Labradoria Kormilev, and a key to the Neotropical genera. 117(1), 27–35. Available at
  • Stål, C. (1865) Hemiptera Africana II. Hemiptera Africana II. Stockholm: Norstedtiana. pp., 1–200. Available at
  • Sweet, M.H. (2000) Seed and chinch bugs (Lygaeoidea). pp. 143–264.

Descendants and synonyms


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