
Ozophora picturata Uhler, 1871

Nomenclature (27)

  • Ozophora picturata Uhler, 1871
  • Ozophora picturata Uhler, 1871 in Uhler, 1878
  • ... Show all ... (23)
  • Ozophora consanguinea (unavailable or invalid, linked to Ozophora picturata Uhler, 1871)
  • Davila consanguineus (unavailable or invalid, linked to Ozophora picturata Uhler, 1871)

Nomenclature references (25)

  • Ashlock, P.D. & Slater, A. (1988) Family Lygaeidae Schilling, 1829 (= Infericornes Amyot and Serville, 1843< Myodochidae Kirkaldy, 1899< Geocoridae Kirkaldy, 1902). In Catalog of the Heteroptera, or True Bugs, of Canada and the Continental United States. E. J. Brill Publ., Leiden and New York. pp. 167–245.
  • Banks, N. (1910) Catalogue of the Nearctic Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Catalogue of the Nearctic Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Amer. Ent. Soc. Philadelphia: P.C. Stockhausen pp.
  • ... Show all ... (21)
  • Barber, H.G. (1914) Insects of Florida II. Hemiptera. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 33, 495–535.
  • Barber, H.G. (1923) Family Lygaeidae: In Britton--guide to the insects of Connecticut: Pt. IV. The Hemiptera or sucking insects of Connecticut. Bull. Conn. geol. nat. Hist. Surv. pp.
  • Blatchley, W.S. (1895) Notes on the winter insect fauna of Vigo County, Indiana II. Psyche: A Journal of Entomology.
  • Blatchley, W.S. (1926) Heteroptera or true bugs of eastern North America, with especial reference to the faunas of Indiana & Florida. Heteroptera or true bugs of eastern North America, with especial reference to the faunas of Indiana & Florida. Indianapolis: Nature Publishing Co., 1116 pp.
  • Dowdy, W.W. (1947) An ecological study of the Arthropoda of an oak-hickory forest with reference to stratification. Ecology, 28, 418–439.
  • Dowdy, W.W. (1955) An hibernal study of Arthropoda with reference to hibernation. Ann. ent. Soc. Amer., 48, 76–83.
  • Froeschner, R.C. (1944) Contributions to a synopsis of the Hemiptera of Missouri, Pt.III. Amer. Midl. Nat., 31(3), 638–683.
  • Henry, T.J. (2008) True bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Vol. 32, pp. 42–43.
  • Hussey, R.F. (1954) Concerning the Floridian species of Fulvius (Hemiptera, Miridae). Florida Ent., 37, 19–22.
  • Lethierry, L.F. & Severin, G. (1894) General catalogue of the Hemiptera. Vol. II. Heteropteres. General catalogue of the Hemiptera. Vol. II. Heteropteres. Brussels: F. Hayez, Imprimeur de l'Academie Royale de Belgique., II.
  • Linsdale, J.M. & Tevis, L.P. (1951) The dusky-footed wood rat. A record of observations made on the Hastings Natural History Reservation. In ---. U. Calif. Press, Berkeley & Los Angeles. pp.v-vii,1–664.
  • Myers, J.G. (1926) Heteroptera in ocean drift. Psyche: A Journal of Entomology.
  • Slater, J.A. (1964) A Catalogue of the Lygaeidae of the World. 2 Vols. U. Connecticut. Storrs. 1688 pp. A Catalogue of the Lygaeidae of the World.
  • Sweet, M.H. (1960) The seed bugs: a contribution of the feeding habits of the Lygaeidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Ann. ent. Soc. Amer., 53, 317–321.
  • Torre-Bueno, J.R. (1912) Three days in the pines of Yaphank, records of captures of Hemiptera Heteroptera. Canad. Ent.
  • Torre-Bueno, J.R. (1925) Some winter Bugs. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc.
  • Torre-Bueno, J.R. (1946) A synopsis of the Hemiptera-Heteroptera of America north of Mexico. III. Family XI. Lygaeidae. Ent. amer., 26, 1–141.
  • Uhler, P.R. (1871) Notices of some Heteroptera in the collection of Dr. T. W. Harris. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 14, 93–109.
  • Uhler, P.R. (1878) Notices of the Hemiptera Heteroptera in the collection of the late T. W. Harris, M. D. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History.
  • Uhler, P.R. (1886) Check List of the Hemiptera Heteroptera of North America. Check List of the Hemiptera Heteroptera of North America. Brooklyn: Henry H. Kahrs., iv + 32 pp.
  • Uhler, P.R. (1894) On the Hemiptera-Heteroptera of the island of Grenada, West Indies. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 167–224.
  • Van Duzee, E.P. (1916) Check list of the Hemiptera (excepting the Aphididae, Aleurodidae and Coccidae) of America, north of Mexico. Check list of the Hemiptera (excepting the Aphididae, Aleurodidae and Coccidae) of America, north of Mexico. New York: N. Y. Ent. Soc., i-x, 1–111.
  • Van Duzee, E.P. (1917) Catalogue of the Hemiptera of America north of Mexico excepting the Aphididae, Coccidae and Aleurodidae. In University of California Publications in Entomology. Berkeley: Univ. Calif. Press. 902 pp.

Descendants and synonyms


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