- Root
- Animalia
- Lygaeoidea
- Rhyparochromidae
- Plinthisinae
- Plinthisus
- Plinthisus (Plinthisus) Stephens, 1829
Plinthisus (Plinthisus) Stephens, 1829
Lygaeus brevipennis Latreille, 1807 type species by original monotypy of Plinthisus (Plinthisus) Stephens, 1829
Nomenclature (60)
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829
type species by original monotypy Lygaeus brevipennis Latreille, 1807
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Westwood, 1840
- ... Show all ... (56)
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Fieber, 1861
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Fieber, 1864
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Douglas & Scott, 1865
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Thomson, 1870
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Stål, 1872
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Ferrari, 1874
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Reuter, 1875
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Saunders, 1875
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Horváth, 1875
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Horváth, 1876
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Douglas, 1877
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Ferrari, 1878
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1878
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Puton, 1879
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Sajo, 1880
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Horváth, 1882
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Fairmaire, 1884
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Horváth, 1886
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Saunders, 1892
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Lethierry & Severin, 1894
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Acloque, 1897
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Kirkaldy, 1900
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Kirkaldy, 1901
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Kirkaldy, 1903
- Arrianus Distant, 1904
type species Arrianus excavatus Distant, 1904
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Guerin & Peneau, 1905
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Jensen-Haarup, 1912
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Oshanin, 1912
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Van Duzee, 1916
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Van Duzee, 1917
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Barber, 1918
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Barber, 1918
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Bianchi & Kiritshenko, 1923
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Blatchley, 1926
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Seabra & de, 1930
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Stichel, 1935: 3:78-9; 12:353, 449.
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Gulde, 1936
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in China, 1936
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Hedicke, 1942
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in China, 1943
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Torre-Bueno, 1946
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Kiritshenko, 1951
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Kiritshenko, 1952
- Arrianus Distant, 1904 in Scudder, 1957
- Locutius in Scudder, 1957
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Putshkov, 1958
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Stichel, 1958
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Scudder, 1962
- Plinthisus (Plinthisus) Stephens, 1829 in Slater, 1964: 781-799.
- Arrianus Distant, 1904 in Slater, 1964: 1004.
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Slater & Sweet, 1970: 257, 260, 282, 289.
- Arrianus Distant, 1904 (subjective synonym of Plinthisus Stephens, 1829) in Slater & Sweet, 1970: 257.
- Arrianus Distant, 1904 in Slater & O'Donnell, 1995: 126.
- Plinthisus (Plinthisus) Stephens, 1829 in Péricart, 1999: 118-121.
- Plinthisus (Plinthisus) Stephens, 1829 in Péricart, 2001: 187.
- Plinthisus (Plinthisus) Stephens, 1829 in Sweet & Slater, 2004: 8.
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829 in Costas, Vázquez & López, 2005: 29-30.
- Locutius (unavailable or invalid, linked to Plinthisus Stephens, 1829)
Nomenclature references (56)
- Acloque, A. (1897) Faune de France. Faune de France. Paris: J. B. Baelliere et fils.
- Barber, H.G. (1918) Synoptic keys to the Lygaeidae (Hemiptera) of the United States. Pt.II. Pt.II. Psyche, Camb., Mass.
- ... Show all ... (52)
- Barber, H.G. (1918) The genus Plinthisus Latr. (Lygaeidae, Hemiptera) in the United States. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington.
- Bianchi, V.L. & Kiritshenko, A.N. (1923) Practical entomology. Handbook of practical studies in entomology. Handbook of practical studies in entomology., 4(67), 1–320.
- Blatchley, W.S. (1926) Heteroptera or true bugs of eastern North America, with especial reference to the faunas of Indiana & Florida. Heteroptera or true bugs of eastern North America, with especial reference to the faunas of Indiana & Florida. Indianapolis: Nature Publishing Co., 1116 pp.
- China, W.E. (1936) A remarkable new ant-like Lygaeid from Egypt (Hemiptera Heteroptera). Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond.
- China, W.E. (1943) The generic names of British insects. Pt.8. The generic names of the British Hemiptera-Heteroptera, with a check list of the British species. Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond., 1943(8), 211–342.
- Costas, M., Vázquez, M.A. & López, T. (2005) Plinthisus autrani Horváth, 1898 nueva sinonimia de Plinthisus brevipennis Latreille, 1807 (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae). 29(1-2), 29–37.
- Distant, W.L. (1904) Fauna of British India, including Ceylon & Burma Rhynchota. Vol. II. (Heteroptera). Fauna of British India, including Ceylon & Burma Rhynchota. Vol. II. (Heteroptera). London: Taylor & Francis pp., 1–503.
- Douglas, J.W. & Scott, J. (1865) The British Hemiptera Vol. 1. Hemiptera-Heteroptera. The British Hemiptera Vol., xii + 627 pp.
- Douglas, J.W. (1877) Notes on 'Die Hemipteren-Gattung Plinthisus (Westw.) Fieb.' by Dr. G. v. Horvath. Ent. mon. Mag.
- Fairmaire, L. (1884) Hemipteres In: Histoire naturelle de la France. In: Histoire naturelle de la France.
- Ferrari, P.M. (1874) Hemiptera Agri Ligustici hucusquelecta enummerat. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, 6, 116–208.
- Ferrari, P.M. (1878) Hemiptera Ligustica adjecta & emendata. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova.
- Fieber, F.X. (1861) Die Europaischen Hemiptera. Halbflugler (Rhynchota Heteroptera). Die Europaischen Hemiptera. Halbflugler (Rhynchota Heteroptera). Wien: Gerold vi, 1–444.
- Fieber, F.X. (1864) Neuere Entdeckungen in Europaischen Hemipteren. B. Neue Arten. Wien. Ent. Mschr.
- Guerin, J. & Peneau, J. (1905) Faune entomologique amoricaine. Hemipteres. Faune entomologique amoricaine. Hemipteres. Bull. Soc. Sci. med. Ouest (Supp.), 5, 1–84.
- Gulde, J. (1936) Die Wanzen Mitteleuropas. Hemiptera Heteroptera Mitteleuropas. Die Wanzen Mitteleuropas. Hemiptera Heteroptera Mitteleuropas. Frankfurt a. M. Teil II;
- Hedicke, H. (1942) Heteroptera: In: Brohmer, Ehrmann, & Ulmer et al. Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas (Insekten), 3(1), Sect.X:14–113.
- Horváth, G. (1875) Monographia Lygaeidarum Hungariae. Monographia Lygaeidarum Hungariae. Budapest pp.
- Horváth, G. (1876) Die Hemipteren-Gattung Plinthisus (Westwood) Fieb. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 26, 721–736.
- Horváth, G. (1882) Ueber einige Lygaeiden. Wien. ent. Ztg.
- Horváth, G. (1886) Nouvelle revision du genre Plinthisus. Rev. Ent., Caen.
- Jensen-Haarup, A.C. (1912) Danmarks Fauna: Taeger (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Danmarks Fauna: Taeger (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Kobenhavn: G. E. C. Gads Forlag pp., 1–300.
- Kiritshenko, A.N. (1951) True Hemiptera of European USSR. Key & bibliography. Opred. Faune SSSR, 42, 1–423.
- Kiritshenko, A.N. (1952) General features of the fauna of Hemiptera-Heteroptera near Ural in connection with particulars of their feeding habits. Trud. Zool. Inst. Acad. Sci. USSR., 11, 126–132.
- Kirkaldy, G.W. (1900) Bibliographical & nomenclatorial notes on the Rhynchota No.1. The Entomologist, 33, 238–243.
- Kirkaldy, G.W. (1901) On the nomenclature of the genera of the Rhynchota, Heteroptera & Auchenorrhynchous Homoptera (cont.). The Entomologist.
- Kirkaldy, G.W. (1903) On the nomenclature of the genera of the Rhynchota, Heteroptera & Auchenorrhynchous Homoptera. The Entomologist, 36, 213–216,230–233.
- Lethierry, L.F. & Severin, G. (1894) General catalogue of the Hemiptera. Vol. II. Heteropteres. General catalogue of the Hemiptera. Vol. II. Heteropteres. Brussels: F. Hayez, Imprimeur de l'Academie Royale de Belgique., II.
- Oshanin, V.T. (1912) Katalog der palaarktischen Hemipteren (Heteroptera, Homoptera-Auchenorhyncha & Psylloideae). Katalog der palaarktischen Hemipteren (Heteroptera, Homoptera-Auchenorhyncha & Psylloideae). Berlin: xvi +, 187 pp.
- Puton, J.B.A. (1879) Synopsis des Hemipteres-Heteropteres de France de la famille des Lygaeides. Synopsis des Hemipteres-Heteropteres de France de la famille des Lygaeides. Mem. Soc. Sci. Lille.
- Putshkov, V.G. (1958) Larvae of Hemiptera-Heteroptera. I. Lygaeidae. Rev. Ent. URSS, 37(2), 392–413.
- Péricart, J. (1999) Hémiptères Lygaeidae euro-méditerranéens. Vol 2. Systématique: Seconde partie. 84B, 453.
- Péricart, J. (2001) Family Lygaeidae Schilling, 1829 - Seed-bugs. Vol. 4, pp. 35–220.
- Reuter, O.M. (1875) Remarques sur le polymorphisme des Hemipteres. Ann. Soc. Ent. France.
- Sajo, K. (1880) Weitere funde von makropteren exemplaren des Plinthisus convexus Fieb. und die Larven dieser Art. Ent. Nachr.
- Saunders, E. (1875) Synopsis of British Hemiptera-Heteroptera Pt. I. Synopsis of British Hemiptera-Heteroptera Pt. I. Trans. R. ent. Soc. Lond.
- Saunders, E. (1892) The Hemiptera Heteroptera of the British Islands. The Hemiptera Heteroptera of the British Islands. London: L. Reeve & Co.
- Scudder, G.G.E. (1957) The higher classification of the Rhyparochrominae (Hem., Lygaeidae). Ent. mon. Mag., 93, 152–155.
- Scudder, G.G.E. (1962) The world Rhyparochrominae (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) I. new synonymy and generic changes. Canad. Ent., 94, 764–773.
- Seabra, A.F. & de (1930) Lygaeidae:Sinopse dos Hemipteros Heteropteros de Portugal. Lygaeidae:Sinopse dos Hemipteros Heteropteros de Portugal. Mem. Mus. zool. Univ. Coimbra, 1(6), 245–372.
- Slater, J.A. & O'Donnell, J.E. (1995) In A Catalogue of the Lygaeidae of the world. New York Entomological Society, New York. 410 pp.
- Slater, J.A. & Sweet, M.H. (1970) The systematics and ecology of new genera and species of primitive Stygnocorini from South Africa, Madagascar and Tasmania (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae). Ann. Natal Mus., 20, 257–292.
- Slater, J.A. (1964) A Catalogue of the Lygaeidae of the World. 2 Vols. U. Connecticut. Storrs. 1688 pp. A Catalogue of the Lygaeidae of the World.
- Snellen van Vollenhoven, S.C. (1878) Hemiptera Heteroptera Neerlandica. Hemiptera Heteroptera Neerlandica. 'S Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff.
- Stephens, J.F. (1829) A systematic catalogue of British insects. A systematic catalogue of British insects. London: Baldwin and Cradock pp.
- Stichel, W. (1935) Illustrierte Bestimmungstabellen der Deutschen Wanzen.(Hemiptera-Heteroptera) Lief. 1-16. Illustrierte Bestimmungstabellen der Deutschen Wanzen.(Hemiptera-Heteroptera) Lief., 12, 331–362.
- Stichel, W. (1958) Illustrierte Bestimmungstabellin der Wanzen. II. Europae (Hemiptera-Heteroptera Europae) Vol. 4. Illustrierte Bestimmungstabellin der Wanzen. II. Europae (Hemiptera-Heteroptera Europae) Vol., 4.
- Stål, C. (1872) Genera Lygaeidarum Europae disposuit. Ofvers. VetenskAkad. Forh., Stockh., 29, 37–62.
- Sweet, M.H. & Slater, J.A. (2004) An analysis of species-group of the genus Plinthisus Stephens (Hemiptera: Rhyparochromidae) in the Ethiopian region with the description of eight new species. 533, 1–56.
- Thomson, C.G. (1870) Ofversigt af de i Sverige funna arter af slagtet Lygaeus Fallen. Opusc. Ent. Fasc.
- Torre-Bueno, J.R. (1946) A synopsis of the Hemiptera-Heteroptera of America north of Mexico. III. Family XI. Lygaeidae. Ent. amer., 26, 1–141.
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- Van Duzee, E.P. (1917) Catalogue of the Hemiptera of America north of Mexico excepting the Aphididae, Coccidae and Aleurodidae. In University of California Publications in Entomology. Berkeley: Univ. Calif. Press. 902 pp.
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Descendants and synonyms
Names | |||
Rank | Total | Valid | Invalid |
subgenus | 4 | 1 | 3 |
species | 102 | 38 | 64 |
subspecies | 2 | 1 | 1 |